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Health & Safety at Work

Section 2(3) of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 requires Walker Thompson Ltd (the Firm) to issue a written policy statement which is as follows :-


The Firm will in accordance with various Health & Safety Regulations :-

  • Provide and maintain healthy and safe working environment and ensure that all that is reasonable and practicable is done to prevent personal injury.
  • Provide adequate amenities.
  • Provide safe equipment and appliances and safe methods for their use, adequate instruction for their use and adequate supervision by competent personnel.
  • Provide safe methods for the handling of goods.

The firm will seek to ensure the co-operation of management and staff in carrying out this policy in a vigorous manner and will expect its employees at all levels to set an example in safe behaviour and maintain a constant and continuing interest in staff safety, in particular by :-

  • acting with due care for the health and safety of others, themselves and the general public and observing health and safety rules whether applicable to them or to matters within their control;
  • adhering to procedures agreed on their behalf for securing safe working; in particular, by using suitable clothing and equipment provided;
  • reporting as appropriate, accidents that have led or may lead to injury and co operating with investigations into accidents with the object of preventing recurrence of such accidents.


To ensure that management and staff are aware of and accept their individual and collective legal responsibility in the care and health and safety of themselves and others.


To ensure that all staff are made aware of the procedures relating to accidents and sickness.

Legal Obligations

To observe all legal requirements.


To have the Health & Safety rules as part of the Staff Handbook

To ensure that all new staff as part of their induction are made aware of the Health & Safety measures applicable to the company.

To provide training and retraining where necessary, especially for new equipment.


To maintain the offices in good state of repair, cleanliness and decoration.

To ensure regular checks of fittings, furnishings and services to ensure repairs are dealt with immediately.

To ensure an effective system for receiving and dealing with fault reports.

To maintain high standards with regard to lighting, ventilation and hygiene.


To take adequate steps for fire prevention.

To ensure all staff are safeguarded in the event of fire.

To ensure that the alarm system is checked.

The firm carries out regular fire risk assessments.

Health and Hygiene

To provide first aid facilities.

To ensure all injuries receive treatment and are recorded.

To ensure adequacy and cleanliness of washing and sanitary facilities.


To have available and keep updated knowledge of current relevant legislation, guidance material etc.


To maintain records of accidents.

To ensure all accidents are investigated to establish the cause and to prevent recurrence.

To carry out reporting procedures required by statute, Health and other Authorities.

Reviews of Regulations

To make the Company Statement on Health & Safety known to all employees.

To review from time to time, revise if necessary and involve management and employees in any review.

Organisation and Arrangements

The overall policy is the collective responsibility of the Directors; Sherod Williams has special responsibility for implementing and carrying out the policy and aims set out above.

All members of staff are expected to notify hazards immediately to a manager or the Director responsible.

Health and Safety Rules

Every member of staff must acquaint themselves and comply with the following rules : –

  • Report any faulty or hazardous fixtures, fittings, furniture or equipment – especially electrical equipment.
  • Report all accidents involving injury to the manager or a Director. All members of staff are expected to observe all hazards which should be immediately reported.
  • Do not attempt to repair faulty electrical equipment.
  • Switch off electrical equipment before leaving the office.
  • Keep all exits, stairs and corridors free of obstruction.
  • Ensure the kitchen and washrooms are kept as clean and tidy as possible.

Hazardous substances

The cleaning agents stored in the kitchen are clearly marked and should be handled with absolute care and only in accordance with the instructions. Any doubts regarding hazardous substances should be referred to a Director.

First Aid

A First Aid Box is provided in the main office and any accidents or injuries must be reported in the accident book which is kept by the first aid box.

Fire :-

In the event of a fire you should

  • Raise the alarm – the emergency button is situated in the main office on the wall beside the main entry door at the top of the stairs.
  • Notify all staff.
  • Fight the fire if safe to do so –
    (Fire extinguishers are situated on the wall adjacent to the main exit door, in the corridor adjacent to the kitchen and on the wall in the main office. A fire blanket is situated in the kitchen).
  • Call the Fire Brigade.
  • Evacuate the Building –
    Close all doors (DO NOT LOCK THEM)
    Do not re-enter unless told to do so by someone in authority
    Do not run
    Do not attempt to collect personal belongings or other items
  • Assemble at a collecting point –
    This is at the corner of Brays Lane and Binley Road on the green at the stone memorial
  • If the stairs or main exit door are blocked by fire staff should assemble on the balcony outside the office of Sherod Williams. The key to the patio door is to be found on a hook to the right of the door.
  • The fire alarm system will be checked weekly by the Coventry Building Society and appropriate records of checking will be maintained by them.



Last Updated 13 April 2011

Registered as auditors and regulated for a range of investment business activities in the United Kingdom by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants

Company Information Walker Thompson is a trading name of Walker Thompson Ltd registered in England and Wales. Company registration number 06574838

Registered Office Empress House :: 43a Binley Road :: Coventry CV3 1HU :: T 024 7663 5522 :: F 024 7663 5518 :: E